Photo by Trent Bell Photography
Photo by Trent Bell Photography
Photo by Trent Bell Photography
Photo by Trent Bell Photography
Built for the BU Physics program, this Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Students (SCALE-UP) merges several pre-existing labs into a single 2,200 SF lab and adjacent 2,800 SF study space. Designed to seat 81 students, the technologically-rich environment merges all classroom computers and projectors onto one shared system, innovatively using the university’s extensive AV/IT data network. In this way, student laptops are leveraged into an interactive learning environment, rather than being a source of distraction. In support of the SCALE-UP teaching philosophy, the adjacent collaborative study area features open group work stations, lounge furniture, booths plus individual seating, and group study rooms.
For more information, check out BU’s Stem Website and the “Improving Student Learning in Introductory STEM Courses” Presentation
If you are interested in learning more about SCALE-UP classrooms, please contact Ned Collier, Education Studio Principal.