Project Category: Workforce + Affordable

Brookside Artist Live/Work

Creative selective demolition allowed this former rubber factory to be molded into new use as artist live/work housing. ICON specifically designed units to fit each resident’s needs, making way for pottery kilns, a circus trapeze, a dance studio, and even a taxidermy shop. The complex now houses a range of unit types, including townhouses, open […]

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Harbor Lafayette Homes

Two renovated buildings in Salem’s Point neighborhood create homes for formerly homeless or transitioning young people.  These 27 affordable studio and one-bedroom units offer stability that will allow residents to rebuild their lives. The on-site resident manager occupies one unit and can utilize the private meeting room to facilitate communication and support.  New accessible entrances […]

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Smith House

ICON is leading the team that is stitching together interventions of repair and reprogramming to this twelve-story, 1970’s era, 132-unit, senior housing high-rise. As a result of detailed planning, evaluation and collaboration amongst all stakeholders, rehabbed and refreshed units coupled with newly redeveloped amenity spaces, support an existing older population to age-in-place. MPDC’s vision for Smith House […]

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