Project Category: Market Rate


The two-building Tempo complex of 320 luxury apartments is uniquely situated along Cambridge’s Route 2, while capturing pastoral views of the 120-acre Alewife Brook Reservation beyond. Broad front façades offer varied massing, highlighted with a series of gridded bays to evoke a traditional Cambridge building scale. Long building wings extending to the north envelop a […]

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Soundview Landing

Formerly the oldest housing development in the state of Connecticut, Hurricane Sandy flooded the Washington Village apartments with three feet of water in 2012. Flood damage, undersized apartments, and egress issues compounded to kickstart the “Public-Private” partnership including city, housing authority, and developer. Awarded CHOICE funding based upon the proposed Transformation Plan, ICON provided permitting […]

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Artblock 731

Catering to Boston’s “Artist Space Initiative,” ArtBlock 731 creates two new live/work loft buildings wrapped around a historic school converted to artist work space. The contemporary exterior emulates the surrounding rhythms and materials of the historic South End and expresses the community-of-arts within.  The public experience of ArtBlock 731 revolves around the ArtSpace 731 gallery at […]

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River’s Edge Amenity

As part of a new ownership initiative, ICON was engaged to modernize the out-of-date amenity areas in a 10-year old apartment development. Given current trends towards more open areas and work-from-home needs, ICON completely re-programmed the 4500 SF space. Half height walls dividing the tired-looking amenity space were removed to open up areas for shuffle […]

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