Project Category: College + University

Studio Classroom

Built for the BU Physics program, this Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Students (SCALE-UP) merges several pre-existing labs into a single 2,200 SF lab and adjacent 2,800 SF study space. Designed to seat 81 students, the technologically-rich environment merges all classroom computers and projectors onto one shared system, innovatively using the university’s extensive AV/IT […]

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Roxbury Community College Student Lounge

As part of an ongoing “House Doctor” contract with Roxbury Community College, ICON has designed several small projects to improve facilities at the college. Most visible are the interior renovations to the Administration Building lobby and its student lounge, enhancing the college’s public image while expanding student lounge space for this primarily commuter campus. Additionally, […]

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Reggie Lewis Center

The Reggie Lewis Center track and field facility is generally regarded as one of the premier facilities in the Northeastern United States, and is also one of the premier facilities in the United States as a whole. ICON worked with Huntress Sports and Vantage Technology Consulting Group to replace the track and field house flooring and […]

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University Library Renovation

This phased renovation project re-evaluates the University Library’s programs and spatial arrangement to better meet their 21st century “Just-in-Time Help” service model. What will emerge is a programmatically-unified library. On the first floor is a central Information Desk, Media-Tech Desk, and an expanded Information Commons, including an Academic Technologies service center (media and IT) with […]

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