The New Academic Building is to be the home of the biotechnology department. The biotechnology program includes a Biotechnology (BIT) Lab, Simulated Clean Room (including Gowning), Chemistry Lab, lecture space, and departmental offices. Additionally, following a detailed campus-wide facilities program assessment, it was determined that the MCC Bedford campus had a serious shortfall of active learning environments, informal student study space, and event space. To address this need, the new building program also includes four active learning classrooms, a large conference room, STEM administrative offices, adjunct faculty open office space, and a range of informal gathering and study spaces as well as an outdoor classroom. The building creates an accessible route between the campus center and an outlying academic building. It will also function as the arrival/departure point for the intercampus shuttle bus. Sustainable design goals include on-site storm water management and a high-performance building envelope using Passive House standards.
If you are interested in learning more about active learning environments, please contact Ned Collier, Education Studio Principal.